Monday, December 31, 2007
On the 9th & 10th day of Christmas...

Friday, December 28, 2007
On the 7th & 8th Day of Christmas...

On the 8th day, we received a gift package from Laura! And what an amazing package it was! She painted recycled tyvek envelopes and then decorated them with a cool vintage image...
I just love it when the packaging itself is a gift! Don't you?
Inside these cool envelopes was a bounty of FUN! Some cool postcards, fibers, sequin waste, and beads... plus... we got a fun cactus cowboy doll for a car antenna. I think I might have to host an altered cactus cowboy swap! haha! Also... we got a stash of colorful fabrics......
This has been such a fun swap. Today, we opened the last of our packages... so, I'll be back tomorrow to share more pictures of the goodies we received!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
On the 5th & 6th days of Christmas...
The scan doesn't begin to reveal just how COOL these little booklets are. The flap opens up to reveal an accordion style booklet that have been corner punched to accomodate 10 ATCs. I just love this!
Day six belonged to Nancy... and Nancy gave us gorgeous art doll ornaments! Hopefully my camera will get to working soon, so that I can post pictures of them... I just love this little doll's hair! What a great addition to my holiday tree -- as one who grew up surrounded by boring Christmas trees... I am now committed to having trees with all unique and unusual ornaments! And... this one definitely fits in! A lovely, unique little lady!Thanks Candice and Nancy, for such wonderful gifts! I love these little treasures!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
On the 3rd & 4th Day of Christmas...
Day 3 of my 12 Days of Christmas swap belonged to Tanya! And she certainly delivered with her gift! Each of us received a lovely candle with the sparkle of glitter sprinkled on the top (I haven't burned the candle yet, but I bet it's really neat when the flicker of the flame reflects off the glitter!) and a box of matches! Tanya altered the matchboxes in a christmas theme... and kept the matches inside so that we can burn the candle! What a perfectly complete gift! I just love it.
I will post a picture of the candle and the matches just as soon as I get the camera working again! This one just doesn't work with the scanner!
Day 4 of the swap brought us a gift from Betsey! and all I can say is WOW! She gave us this amazing little metal ornament for our holiday tree!
It's simply adorable! Love it!
Thank you to both Tanya and Betsey for participating in this swap!
And just a tidbit... I have added a link to my now open CafePress store! Right now, I only have one image available on stuff in there... but, hey, it's a work in progress... if there are any pieces that I've created that you might like to purchase on a cafe press product, be sure to drop me a line and let me know... and I'll do what I can to get it up in cafe press!
Thanks for reading along. Tomorrow (I hope!) I will have days 5 & 6 posted!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
On The First (and the second) Day of Christmas...

This shows only a portion of the six paneled ladder, but is a good representation of how lovely each panel is!

Our Second day's gift came from Debbie, who made something that was nice as well as practical! A tissue pouch!

So... those are the first 2 days of Christmas Gifts. Today marks our half-way point of our gift opening... so I do have 4 more gifts that I could show you... but I think I'll save the fun... and share 2 more gifts with you tomorrow!
Thank you to alll the lovely artists who participated in this swap... I can't remember a time when I've had as much fun!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Back Online!
*sigh* So, began the adventure of trying to get myself back online, which was quite a challenge for me, as I'm not the most computer literate person around. I think I finally exhausted the folks at Comcast, who finally sent someone out to help me... free of charge.
What I've learned from this adventure: 1) Just because you've purchased the service plan from Best Buy, does not mean that you'll get the service you think you will... this plan covers only the labor and the hardware, but not the software. 2) Create a back up disk often, and most importantly, you should have a back up disk of all necessary drivers! 3) Being persistant (if not just a bit frustrated) with Comcast might very well lead them to do things for you that they would otherwise not do (or charge you to do). 4) The freebie virus protection provided by Comcast is not all it should be. Do yourself a favor and invest in a reliable virus protection with frequent updating and keep your subscription up to date. This is probably the most important lesson I've learned.
So... now that I'm back online, I have some art to share with you...
This is one of a series of 4 "Pear" ATCs that I made for a recent Freestyle ATC swap on my yahoo group. I was really happy with how these turned out, each just a little bit different...
Also... my listings at etsy are doing quite well, be sure to visit my store to see my latest additions. Right now, I have several Teapot Cozies (I didn't make these, but they are hand-made by a friend of mine!), and a couple of domino ornaments!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
For Sale: Domino Ornaments!
The most difficult part for me is the photography, because I'm not a photographer by any stretch of the imagination. Even with someone who KNOWS what they're doing with a camera... photographing dominos is no easy task... first, they're so small... and the images on them are even smaller! And because the dominos have a nice, glossy, glass-like finish on them, they reflect the light from the flash and it distorts the image even more. So, when you combine that with the fact that I am not much of a photographer... well, you get DISASTER! ha!
Anyways, visit my etsy store and judge for yourself... please let me know if you have any ideas on how to capture better images!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Another UHU Review!

This is UHU's Creativ Metal, Glass & Jewelry Glue. As you can see, it's a two part resin type adhesive. What I like about this particular formulation as opposed to say, another resin adhesive, is that the formula is a bit thicker for both the hardener and the resin. It makes it a lot easier to "eyeball" the measurements. Just squeeze a small amount of both tubes into the mixing pan (also included), side by side and then mix well.
I used this glue to help create my domino ornaments (as seen in my last blog entry and below). You'll have to forgive me, some of the images and details are difficult to discern, because we're dealing with dominos here, so everything is in a tiny size... not to mention the fact that I'm not the best photographer around!
I used the UHU Creativ Metal, Glass & Jewelry glue to adhere the tiny Australian Crystals, buttons, and spiral embellishments onto my Domino ornaments that I showcased at the Artisan Fair this past Saturday. I made about 75 ornaments total, and came home with about 30 remaining, so that's not too shabby!

Monday, November 26, 2007
Domino Ornaments

The 'sepia' toned one is tea stained and then stamped with the swirl background, and accented with vintage text and a transferred image, and then embellished with a rhinestone & a vintage wooden button.

The snowflake design starts with a handpainted background, and then I stamp the images onto tissue paper and decoupage the images onto the domino, and embellish with rhinestones.
Friday, November 23, 2007
We Survived!

This is the cover from my Garden Tea Party deco. I am waiting on it to come home -- I can't wait to see what the others did! Here is the first page of my inside spread...

It's Black Friday...
But, hey, what can I do? I can't "make" a Guitar Hero III bundle set (which is on sale at Target for 85 bucks today), I can't "make" my little pony playsets. :( And these are the treasures that top the lists of my daughters this year. Yes, and the maxi glide hair straightening system, which is purchased online... yay! No crazy lines! Although... I really find the name of the hair system offensive... "maxi glide" -- sounds like some sort of feminine hygene product, not a hair straightening system. Right?
OK... I'm off to shop. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Circus Fatbook Pages

When I was "brainstorming" for this page, I wanted something more Pierrot clown-ish as a charm "dangly" but, I'm really pleased with these little silver plated plastic elephants instead... they give such a cool, vintage feel to the whole page. I found them at Vintage Treasures by Judy. (NOTE: after visiting just now at her ebay store, I noticed that she's closed her store for the holidays... be sure to catch her when she reopens her store in 2008! She has amazing deals!)
I can't wait to see the completed book!
Well, that IS all for today...
I Am Purple...
As I was browsing through my emails this morning while waiting for my daughter to finish her breakfast, one in particular caught my eye... it was about an online quiz where it determines the color that best represents you... Here are my results:
What color is your soul painted? Purple Your soul is painted the color purple, which embodies the characteristics of sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, mystery, enlightenment, arrogance, gaudiness, mourning, confusion, pride, delicacy, power, meditation, religion, and ambition. Purple falls under the element of Earth, and was once a European symbol of royalty; today it symbolizes the divine. |
Quizzes and Personality Tests |
Let's hope that worked!
Anyways, I thought it was interesting since purple is my favorite color. What that means, exactly... I dunno... it's like art, and subject to interpretation.
So, that's all this morning... I'll probably have more later today as I have a picture of the fatbook pages I mailed off yesterday.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
An additional review of UHU's fabric glue

It worked great!
Some months ago, I hosted a felted ATC swap on my Yahoo Group ... and I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to adhere the information that we ATC artists generally include on the back side of the ATCs. At first, I figured I'd try some standard craft glue, but, I worried that it would cause the paper to warp or buckle, and I didn't want to finish the ATCs like that. So I decided to give the UHU Fabric Glue a try, and it worked amazingly well!
Not a buckle or warp anywhere, and in looking at the back side of the ATCs up close and in person, you can't really see (or feel) any tell-tale signs of how the paper was adhered to the felted fabric. I was very pleased indeed!
So... now all we need to do is convince UHU to start selling this stuff in the states!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Decos, Tea & ATCs...

Friday, November 2, 2007
Skelly Stuffy

He came about pretty organically. I actually started out with a drawn out pattern on cardstock, but, my first Skelly... um.... well, let's just say, it's back to the graveyard with him. So, I decided to toss the pattern and just create...
He's completely hand stitched (no machine), and... my lack of sewing skills is more apparent in some areas than others... but overall, I'm pretty pleased with him and he's got his own sort of charm. I sent him off to a new home, to live with my secret art pal!
But... a bonus! My oldest daughter actually asked me to make one for her! That made me feel good.
OK, well, that's all for now. :) Thanks for reading along.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I Love Soap!
I recently purchased a bar of her Lettuce Gardener's Soap because let's face it, those of us who play in gel medium and paint... get goopy hands. The description of the Lettuce Gardener's Soap reads thus:
...lettuce gardener's soap smells like a blend of Sweet Floral, water, and
ozone. It contains poppy seeds, fine ground pumice and apricot kernel meal to
help remove grit and garden dirt from your hands. It's thick, creamy lather
helps remove soil as well, while the addition of shea and cocoa butters keep
hands soft and hydrated. Also works great as a mechanic's soap.
Those last two lines sold me on this soap. I remember my grandfather used to use Lava soap after working on the car, and it reminded me a lot of sandpaper. After working on my art, I need a soap that works like sandpaper, but doesn't leave my hands feeling like they've just been sanded!
Rebecca's Lettuce Gardener's Soap does exactly as it promises, it sloughs away the glues, goops, paints and glop off of my hands, and yet, my hands don't feel dry and brittle after I use the soap. And the fragrance is quite pleasant indeed!

You can see all the texture -- the poppy seeds, the pumice, and the apricot kernel -- to this soap... that texture is what helps slough away all that stuff that gets built up on my hands after a typical night of art-ing! So, for all you artists and crafters out there, I highly recommend trying this soap.
And... yes, after washing my hands as many times as I do (gotta wash 'em in between each layer of goop!) I do feel like I need some lotion... and I just love Rebecca's Blackberry Sage Honey and Goatmilk Lotion. I am going to order some of this the next time I place an order with Rebecca. In my last order, she sent me a sample of it, and I am really blown away at how nice it is! The fragrance I was already familiar with, as I've used her Blackberry Sage soap in the past, but, I hadn't yet tried any of her lotions. But after trying her small sample... I'm hooked! It not only smells nice, but feels so silky smooth!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mad Tea Party

The scan doesn't quite do the colors of this page justice... the yellows seems to have washed out the green colors, making them appear more yellow-y too. Some of the greens are more teal. But, I'm quite happy with the way the pages turned out, even if some of the layers turned out to be a bit more subtle than I would have liked.
The quote on the page: "Take some more tea the March Hare said to Alice very earnestly" comes from the Mad Tea Party chapter from Alice in Wonderland. And of course, the "drink me" concept also comes from the book. I didn't want to use images from the book (or from the disney adaptation) because it all seemed a bit too expected.
I am finishing up a teensy-tiny 'zine that I've created for one of my yahoo groups, I need to get that in the mail too. I am quite relieved, however, that I'm not yet late with it! (I'm so much like the white rabbit from the aforementioned tale... always always late!)
Thanks for reading along!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Graffiti Fat Book
This scan doesn't show the full effect of my page, because I finished each page with some soft gel medium for texture, and then a sprinkling of ultrafine glitter for some much needed sparkle.
Then, I added some random stitching with some handspun, handpainted wool yarn that I purchased from Crystal, and then I added some fun furry fiber.

I really loved the finished texture of this page. And the finished product... the book I got back... ohhhhh... it was fabulous! I was so thrilled with it!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
These deco pages are for Laura's "Quotes" deco...

And this is my page for Teresa's Beatles' deco...

It's kind of hard to see what it says ... it's the lyrics of the song, written in a spiral... winding. I really liked this photo, it reminds me of the long, winding road that leads to my town. I hope Teresa likes this deco...
Friday, August 17, 2007
Needlefelting fun
OK... so here we go...
This is a needlefelting tutorial, and here is the basic supplies you'll need:
*unspun, cleaned & dyed wool fibers
*dense foam padding (I purchased my foam padding here)
1. I started with a piece of pre-felted wool felt (I believe it's a wool blend of some sort, I am not sure, the lovely lady who sold me my dense foam pad to felt upon at Colonial Fiber Arts sent me some scrap felt from her stash.) I cut it to 2.5" x 3.5". The piece may spread a bit when you felt it, but usually, it's a very small amount of spreading (like about 1/4 of an inch or less).

2. Pull out your wool fibers into small tufts, and lay them out in one direction for the first layer, following up the first layer with a second layer of tufts in the opposite direction. (example, the layer shown is vertical, the next layer of tufts would be placed horizontally) I generally overlap the area that I intend to felt, as this will ensure that I will cover the area and not have bald spots. Here, I'm using a merino wool that has a varigated pattern in yellows, oranges and reds. It's one of my favorites because the hues are so vivid.

4. I usually fold the excess fibers (over the edge) over onto the areas I've already felted to have a clean edge. You can also cut away the fibers if you prefer. Or, you can leave them for a unique and fuzzy look. I generally continue to felt until the piece looks less like loose fibers and more like a piece of dense fabric.

So there it is, my tutorial... I hope you found it helpful! You are welcome to email me with any questions, and I'll do my best to answer them if I can!